lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

My best holidays

My best holidays it was in July of the 2019 when there wasn´t pandemic and everything was happiness, I went to New York. It was the best holiday for me because it was the first travel to another country and far of Chile, the travel in plane it was long, it was ten hours.

I went with my cousin and her parents, therefore my uncles,  we went out every day to different places, like central park, stores, Coney Island, the beach or simply we were going to walk in the night for the beautiful streets of New York.

When we went to the central park, there are many squirrels they are very cute, but they were afraid of us. Also the date when I went it was summer en NY and the hot in there it has horrible more of 35 grades sometimes, but for that´s we liked to go out at night, It was much fresh. I hope to go again very soon for know more places and try to learn English better

martes, 13 de abril de 2021


Country I would like to visit

I would like visit England specifically London because the places are amazing and my actors and singer favorites they live there, also I love British accent is my inspiration for learn English because is so difficult understand and I would like speak and understand this accent.

A date curious about England is than London is bigger city of Europe, further the English is not only language than is spoken in this country, also is spoken French, is cool because my second favorite language is fresh.

In England I would like make many things and visit a lot of place one of the things is visit the London eye, go to famous coffee shop and visit parks and museum.

One of my future plans is live in England when I finished my studies and if is possible study in there a magister, also the only form of the speck and learn your language at perfection is being there.


English language challenges Hello to everyone, I hope you very well today and I want to say that this is the last blog for the first semeste...