viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

My future job

Hellos everyone I hope you are very well and today I going to talk about my future job as a social worker, I always visualized myself working in an office with a lot of folders and papers so I think it would be an option indoors and not so much outdoors,  I don't have a defined area of interest but I think I'm going for the children's side.  I would like to intervene in institutions because as I have seen over time or in social networks in many of them there is only mistreatment of the most vulnerable children.

But before I start working I would like to travel outside of Chile and maybe study more like a master's degree that will help me in my future job. The truth is that I don't like to set limits or organize myself in the future, because I don’t know my work in the future, I don't know what awaits me,  I first think have to discover if social work I really like, because everything is uncertain in life. But for now I only have in my plans that I would like to work with children, therefore I think have a lot of thinking to do about my future work. So guys and that´s all, see you soon, bye.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Daniela, we are struck by the same area, but I don't get along very well in the offices with papers, I hope you can study outside of Chile and specialize because this pause needs committed social workers !!

  2. Hi Dani, we have a lot of things in common, I hope you can work on what you really like <3

  3. Hi Daniela, I liked your blog and you notice that you want this too much in the near future

  4. I hope that one day you can work in those places you want so much and you can create changes! I wish you the best


English language challenges Hello to everyone, I hope you very well today and I want to say that this is the last blog for the first semeste...