miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

 My Career

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about the career I am studying, Social Work. To start when I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor, then I wanted to be a veterinary and finally I decided be nurse, always each career was about healthy, so in high school, I did a nursing technical of two years. But since the first semester I realized that I did not like to much, but I finished it anyway.

The last year of school I dedicated to looking for a career, I dedicated to looking for a career, but at the last moment days before at PSU, I decided to, I blended my desire to help with at people, but without having much physical contact like the doctor or nurses, I like it for that, also I can help at much people at the same time.

I would like make a lot of changes for the community welfare. Therefurther  it has a lot of areas of study and a wide field of work, I have not decided yet which area to choose, I hope to know soon and not to make a mistake. And that´s all for the blog today, see you.

6 comentarios:

  1. How interesting Dani, I hope you can choose an area of your interest soon, I'm in the same situation haha

  2. How interesting your post, I liked it a lot

  3. Hello Daniela !! I also wanted to be a doctor when I was little, I was even studying a university semester for a health career, but I discovered that I would not have time for my daughter to work on something like that.

  4. wow! I didn't know you had studied to be a nurse before! interesting post

  5. Danii I also studied nursing technician but I didn't like it and that's why I studied social work

  6. hi dani! i also wanted to study nursery ajsjjsafjk


English language challenges Hello to everyone, I hope you very well today and I want to say that this is the last blog for the first semeste...