martes, 6 de julio de 2021

Time travel to the future

Hi everyone  I hope you very well today, and today I´m going to talk to time travel to the future.  In a future I would like to travel to England specify London because since a little girl, I want to feel the air of other continent far away for Chile, have another timetable and see another culture. Also I want to visit the London eye and the big ben, although now it is in repair, and see all the beautiful parks of London.

I think this travel is in more long time because first I want to finish mi studies for have money to travel and maybe continue studying there and work there and so living in London because it´s my dream of little when I liked One Direction the boy band that they lived in London, but now it is still my dream even if One Direction are no longer together, because living in London is a big opportunity for learn better English and other level for the life.

I know I will miss too much to my family, but I think it´s not living for always in London maybe a time, like 6 months or 1 year nobody knows. Only know that if I have the opportunity I will do it.

And that’s all my blog, see you soon, bye.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Dani, when I was little I was also interested in London because of One Direction haha.

  2. I hope one day you will travel to london <3

  3. Hello Dani !! I would also like to travel to England, but I hope I have done it in 10 years with my daughter.


English language challenges Hello to everyone, I hope you very well today and I want to say that this is the last blog for the first semeste...