lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

 Forever my dog...

Hello everybody in this blog I´m going to talk about my beautiful dog Kuky. 

I took this picture to years ago In the garden of my house more a less in 2019, months before she died. Kuky died two year ago a twenty of October of 2019 it was sixteen years with me. I like to much this pic because I was sad and kuky came very fast and she stayed with me to make me happy for a moment.

I remember when she was playing in the garden with my other dog luna while cleaning the garden, they was so cute together, they was like a sister. 

I would like go back in the time and hug her more for last time but I couldn't be strong in that moment and I didn't do because I couldn't resist watch her died.

I'm going to remember always my dog and all his crazy things in the house. Kuky was the more loving dog and faithful in the life and I´m going to miss she always. I know that she takes care of me wherever it is.

1 comentario:

English language challenges Hello to everyone, I hope you very well today and I want to say that this is the last blog for the first semeste...